Disewakan Apartemen Bellagio Residence 1BR Furnished
Lantai: Menengah
Kamar Tidur: 1
Kamar Mandi: 1
Size: 56 m2
Kondisi: Fully Furnished
Parking Lot: 1
Harga sewa: Rp12 juta/bulan
24-hour Security
Integrated with Bellagio Boutique mall
Lift access card
Swimming pool
Fitness Center, Sauna & Jacuzzi
Tennis Court
Children’s playground
Function Hall
Parking Lot
Salon & Spa
Medical Center & Dental Clinic
Laundry & Dry Clean
ATM Arcade (CIMB Niaga, BCA, Danamon, ATM Bersama)
Terima titip sewa dan jual beli property
Harga Sewa
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For Rent Taman Rasuna Apartment - 2BR Fully Furnished
For Lease Taman Rasuna Apartment - 3BR Full Furnished
Sewa Apartemen Bellagio Residence Tipe 2 BR Good Furnished - Strategic Area and Best Price
For Rent Apartment South Hills Kuningan Type 2BR Fully Furnished Private Lift
For Rent Apartment South Hills Kuningan Type 1 Bedroom Fully Furnished
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Sewa Apartemen Taman Rasuna Kuningan - 2 Bedroom Fully Furnished City View
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Sewa Apartemen Bellagio Mansion Mega Kuningan - 3+1 Bedroom Fully Furnished & Good Condition
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