Tanah Kosong Jervois Park
Jl. TB. Simatupang No. 51B
Land Size : +/-16,791 sqm
(as started in the building rights on land certificate)
Planned Construction Site : +/- 12,211 sqm
Rations according to goverment regulation 1 2014
Id sub blok 033.K3.b
Office, commercial 7 & service zone with low building coverage ratio
KDB : 30%
(ratio between the ground floor area of the building to the totalland area)
KLB : 3.5
(ratio between the total building floor area to the total land area)
KB : 16 floors
(building height)
KDH : 45%
(ratio of greenery/park to the totalland area
KTB : 40%
(ratio of total basement area to the total land area)
Type of Building : Stand Alone
Nature of the Environment : Less Dense
Total Building Area (Including Basement) : +/- 73,266 sqm
Nature of the Environment : Less Dense
Total Building Area (Including Basement) : 73,266 sqm
(Gross office space area : +/- 51,286 sqm, Basement area : +/- 21,980 sqm
Sertifikat Hak Guna Bangunan
Harga Jual : 490,683,393,000
Public Transportation : MRT Railway
Busway Transportation
Call Now :
Irene Era Optima
Era Optima
🏢 Rukan Sentra Niaga Blok N 27. Green Lake City - Jakarta Barat
[email protected]
📱 +62 813-8383-3798
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